The expression "grey office life" does not necessarily refer to a lifeless office. But a sterile and run-of-the-mill office setting is a monotony magnet. Before you know it, the clocks are going backwards and you are slap bang in the middle of abject misery. Fortunately, there is a cheap and easy way to breathe more life and variety back into the workplace, namely office plants!
The office plant is easily confused with the houseplant, which is because they can actually be the same plant. But we are office experts and don’t want to stray from our area of expertise. For many years, office and houseplants were notoriously seen as a symbol of middle-class mediocrity. But they’ve been celebrating their well-earned comeback for some years now- and it isn’t only NASA who have cottoned on to the fact that plants in the office are vital for our health, well-being, creativity and productivity. Indeed, we have already published a very interesting article on this subject.
That’s why the focus of this article is on giving you practical tips and recommendations for choosing the right office plant and looking after it. Anyone who has ever had to dispose of a table plant knows that the climate in the office can be very unforgiving. Nevertheless, there are a few hardy candidates that can still thrive there without any problems. The key is in the lighting as, just like water, light is a source of nutrients for plants. That's why the first thing to do is to look around your workspace at home, or at your company headquarters and take note of the prevailing lighting conditions.
Plenty of light
If the workspace gets a lot of sun during the day, the office plant you choose should be able to cope with a hot and dry environment. If there is a low level of humidity, a Strelitzia is recommended here, more popularly known as the bird of paradise plant. If the air humidity is within the normal range, a Dracaena is also recommended.
If you work in an open-plan office, or a room with bright, artificial light, you should also take room temperature into account. At a "normal" temperature around 20°, the exotic Monstera is a good choice and a real eye-catcher. If the air conditioning is set to "arctic" then a Cactus is also an option as a humorous contrast to the biting cold, so to speak.
Type- and mood-related selection
Those lacking the requisite green fingers should stick to hardy survival experts like Cacti or a Ficus "Robusta". For botanical artists and enthusiasts we recommend a rubber tree. They can grow up to five meters, are relatively robust and rarely need to be watered. They do have to be treated from time to time to keep them in shape, but spraying them with liquid fertiliser is sufficient.
Of course, we’ve saved the best until last. If you are looking for something really unusual you could try a Venus flytrap. It belongs to the genus of carnivores, that’s to say carnivorous plants. They get their food by devouring insects, which will certainly help keep your workspace at home free of insects. And if you sing to and feed it regularly with blood, there’s an astronomically low probability that it’ll grow into a new "Audrey II”. She’ll begetting rid of annoying colleagues and bosses for you in no time.
But, as always, you shouldn‘t necessarily believe everything you read 😉
Discover more great plants and order them within Germany directly by visiting our partner youplant.
So that your new plants fit perfectly into your office or home workspace environment, we have put together some stylish accessories for you below.
For those who want more than just individual plants, you can also decorate whole walls with this wonderful tropical wallpaper by Murando, for example. Different formats up to 450 x 315 cm can be ordered here at Amazon.

Living and styling with plants is a source of green inspiration and a collection of creative plant ideas for everyone who wants to bring more green into their homes and daily lives. The book takes us on a journey through five green homes across Europe which show that living with plants is beautiful, creative, individual and sometimes even arty. The book alsofeatures numerous plant styling ideas from successful international bloggers of the Urban Jungle Bloggers community.
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